Discover simple ways to start using the free version of ChatGPT in your grant processes! Tailored for mission-driven, social justice non-profits, this 'Beginner's Roadmap' introduces powerful prompts to use with ChatGPT 3.5 in your grant-seeking.

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    Joy Dinkelman

    Who am I?

    Hello, I'm Joy, founder and lead grant consultant at Joyful Grant Consulting, Corp.

    We're a women-owned firm, specializing in grant consulting and project management.

    As a dual-certified grant writer, I simplify the grant process for non-profits, enabling them to focus on their mission while securing vital funding for social change.

    What will you learn?

    • How ChatGPT 3.5 can help transform grant processes for your non-profit.
    • Responsible AI usage principles, including ethical considerations and bias mitigation.
    • Practical ways to integrate ChatGPT into your grant journey.
    • Continuous improvement strategies to optimize AI impact.